Saturday, May 24, 2008


Friday night

Some strange sort of sex party was going on in a large hotel suite. Young women in various states of dress and undress were standing around -- some appeared to be wearing black and white uniforms, as if they were maids -- others wore next to nothing. Actor Ted Cassidy strolled through the room, admiring the women, as if he was on a shopping excursion in a grocery store. He was fully clothed, and wore a white tuxedo jacket over black pants. He could be heard expressing his appreciation in short hums: "Hmmm. HMMMM. HMMMM!"


Creepy. This dream may have been inspired by a film I watched on DVD the other night, "American Gangster." Denzel Washington's character set up a drug factory of sorts in an apartment building. A suite of rooms was crammed with people who cut, weighed and packaged heroin. Many of the women who worked in the factory did so in the nude, so they couldn't steal anything.

Ted Cassidy played Ruk in a Star Trek episode called "What Little Girls Are Made Of," but was most famous as Lurch in the Addams Family TV show. And no, he was not that "Jaws" guy with the shiny teeth in the James Bond films. I thought he was, too, but that was Richard Kiel, another gigantic dude.

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