Wednesday, September 26, 2007

45s / Don't Sit So Close to Me

Dream 1: 45s

I was in a used record store, and was about to buy a large stack of 45 r.p.m. records. My friend Kels was behind the counter. He said, "Due to the fact that you're buying so many, I was able to get you a discount. You get all of these for $20 bucks."

Dream 2: Don't Sit So Close to Me

My boss, Jennie, was leading a meeting that combined several sales teams from work. She stood at the front of a very long, narrow table, with employees sitting on both sides. (Imagine the tables in the dining hall in the "Harry Potter" movies, and you'll get the idea.) Jennie started off by saying, "So, how was your weekend?" One of the reps, Ashley, said, "Some 40-year-old guy hit on me! Ewwwwwwwwwwwww!" Everyone laughed, particularly those of us who were over 40, such as Jennie and myself.

Later, the sales teams broke up into discussion groups, and were sitting on the floor. It was crowded, and, as one of my coworkers crawled by looking for a seat, she stopped, looked into my eyes, smiled, and said, "Hey." I got a definite buzz from being in such close proximity to her, and it alarmed me. I thought to myself, "I'd better back up," and I did.


I'm surrounded by 20-somethings at work, and we're friendly, but that's all there is to it. I wonder if my subconscious is telling me that it's time for that midlife crisis that we all hear about.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You clearly need a Corvette. And a swingin' medallion!