Thursday, October 11, 2007

First Date / Retaliation

Wednesday night

Dream 1: First Date

I had been out with one of the 20-somethings from work, and we went back to her apartment. We ended up lying on the floor, facing each other, and talking. That was pretty much it.

Dream 2: Retaliation

I was involved in a car accident that injured a young woman. I'm not sure if she was in my car, or a pedestrian. Next, the scene shifted to a college. A young man walked up to a young woman and asked her to acknowledge her identity: "Are you [Jane Smith]?" She smiled and said, "Yes," upon which he violently pushed her down a long stairway. She landed on her back, with her head bleeding badly. He practically walked over her as he left, paying no heed to her pleas for help.

The young man was the brother of the woman who was hurt in the car accident. The woman at the college was my sister.


Dream 1: First Date

This morning my wife asked me if I had any dreams, so I told her about this one. I remember saying, "It was a pretty chaste affair," which was a pretty poor choice of words. I meant the word "affair" as in "event," not as in "releationship behind someone's back." I don't think she was buying it. She said, "That's disgusting!" I said, "There was no indication that I was married in the dream," to which she skeptically replied, "Uh huh." I said, "I can't help what I dream!"

That conversation reads more harshly than it really was. We're secure enough to talk about such things, both knowing that they won't really happen. I guess the mid-parallel-life crisis continues.

Come to think of it, the young woman in question looks a lot like Lisa Loeb, and since we were talking while prone, I was probably thinking about Loeb's album cover "Firecracker." Always liked that one.

Dream 2: Retaliation

The graphic violence and injury in this dream was pretty unusual. Fortunately, I don't usually dream of such things. Last night I caught a few minutes of one of the episodes of Ken Burns' new documentary on WWII (titled "The War") and watched as American pilots and crew members returned from bombing runs over Germany with awful injuries. That may have factored in there.

The characters in Dream 2 (aside from myself) don't exist. I have two brothers, but no sisters.

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