Thursday, October 18, 2007

Swingin' London / New HQ / Dining w/ His Honor

Wednesday night

Dream 1: Swingin' London

I was on a business trip in London, and was staying in an extended-stay hotel with several coworkers, including my old friend, Jenni H., and one of my old roommates, Frank A. It seemed as if we were all staying in a suite with a common room surrounded by private bedrooms.

At one point one of the coworkers, a young woman, was sitting in a bay window of the hotel; she was intimidated by her new surroundings. I tried to cheer her up, and get her pumped up about the possibilities; I was thrilled to be there. I said, "What would you like to see while you are here?" She didn't know. I said, "We can go anywhere you want -- even Windsor Castle. I want to see the British Museum most of all." She didn't seem too interested in any of it.

Dream 2: New HQ

I was a member of Tony Soprano's crew, and we were moving into a hideous new modern building, a gigantic square thing with a three or four floors, including a large central atrium which workers were busily painting a shocking electric blue. I saw Paulie Walnuts get off the elevator and he said, "Where do we go?" I showed him to the 3rd floor, where our offices were. As I entered my room, I took out a black marker and wrote a message on the erasable board next to my door: "Remember, we don't know these [other] people [in the building]. Don't trust anybody."

Dream 3:

Al Gore was sitting in a restaurant, entertaining friends with tales of his favorite places to eat in Nashville. He was wearing a Don Johnson-style white suit with a loud blue shirt.


Guess I had the blues last night -- bright neon blues, that is.

Dream 1, Swingin' London:

Man, oh, man, I'm looking forward to visiting that British Museum someday, even if the trip will cost an arm and a leg. Jennie is an old friend, sister of Polly, who showed up in a dream on September 14. The three of us worked at Gino's fast food... 28 years ago! Jeez Louise. I think of my old roommate Frank every time Halloween rolls around. We had a big Halloween party one year, and when everyone else had put on their costumes, he came downstairs dressed normally, carrying a beer mug. I said, "What are you supposed to be?" He said, "I'm Frank... and stein."

Dream 2, New HQ

Tony Sirico, who plays Paulie Walnuts, also appeared in the beginning of "Goodfellas," and my warning not to trust anyone out of the family is reminiscent of that movie, too.
The building in question reminds me of several monstrosities that have cropped up in the Tyson's Corner area in the last 10 years.

Dream 3, Dining w/ His Honor

Al Gore was awarded a share of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize last Friday, October 12, and as soon as he returned to Nashville, on Saturday the 13th, he and his wife, Tipper, met up with some friends for dinner at the Park Cafe a few blocks from my house. I doubt he was wearing a Don Johnson suit, however; we probably would have heard about that.

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