Monday, December 17, 2007

The Sky is Falling

Sunday night

I walked into the "old basement" in my parents' house, and found my wife by my dad's work bench. I said that I'd just seen something strange out in front of the house: an acorn-sized thing fell from the sky, followed by a booming voice-over that said, "The Simpsons -- Mostly Progressive." As if that wasn't odd enough, the voice was not that of a Simpsons character. It was the voice of Strong Bad, from


As far as I'm concerned, a little bit of "The Simpsons" goes a long way. I don't really want to spend a lot of my time watching a dumb guy who drinks a lot of beer.

Somebody introduced me to the "homestar runner" cartoons on the Web about three or four years ago. I haven't looked it up in a while, but it's usually pretty amusing stuff, in a bizarre way.

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