Tuesday, July 1, 2008

That's Not Allowed / Actors' Studio?

Saturday night, June 28

Dream 1: That's Not Allowed

A scandal had broken out at the U.N. in New York. A woman who was a high official there was found to be in a relationship with the organization's spokeswoman, (Sarah Jessica Parker) which was against the rules. As this story was breaking, old school friend Brent L. was over at my mom and dad's house. He was filling out a job application as Mom supervised.

Dream 2: Actors' Studio?

I was attending an acting seminar at my old elementary school, Jamestown, and it was the present day. Several famous thespians sat in a row in the middle of the multi-purpose room, and talked about their experiences, including Hal Holbrook and Paul Giamatti.


Dream 1:

This must be lesbian week in Dream Blog land.

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