Sunday, November 18, 2007

On the Trail

Saturday night

Bob Dylan, my friend Ed B. and I were riding around in a beat-up old station wagon, campaigning for Hillary Clinton. Dylan looked cadaverous. He wore a cowboy hat, and was sporting a pencil-thin mustache. I asked him how he became involved in the campaign. He said, "I was asked to help out with her oil initiative [earlier] and I was impressed by that."

We got to the site of the day's rally, and Ed went around and opened the back of the car, where we stored our gear. An old white sheet, or blanket, was laid out over the flat bed, and Ed noticed that it was crawling with beetles and other bugs. He frowned and said, "We're going to have to do something about this, or they're going to eat up everything."


I watched a re-run of the Democratic presidential debate in Las Vegas a few nights ago on PBS, and have followed up with political commentary from news organizations on the Web.

Last night my wife and I were doing our Thanksgiving grocery shopping and I stopped by the magazine rack and flipped through the 40th anniversary issue of Rolling Stone. I was disappointed to see Bob Dylan, the bard himself (with cowboy hat and mustache), featured in a two-page advertisement for Cadillac. Does he really need the money?

Anyway, I thought of Ed when I got to the bean aisle, and marveled over the variety of styles of Bush's Baked Beans that were available. You had your original family recipe, BBQ style, spicy beans, beans with onion, Boston recipe, country style, beans cured with maple syrup and bacon...

Ed and I embarked on a wonderful camping trip to the Smokies many years ago, which has been mentioned before in this blog. Ed was a vegetarian that week, so he carted along a massive pot of beans which were "curing" down the entire length of Skyline Drive and the Blue Ridge Parkway. I'm more of a legume fan now than I was then, but to be honest, I must say that while Ed has a way with rice, those had to be among the most tasteless beans ever cooked by humankind. Last night I was thinking, "If only those beans had had some some spices, some bbq sauce, or some onions..."


4mastjack said...

Not like I'm keeping score or anything, but is this my first appearance in the dream blog, at long last?

We went on that camping trip in a beat up old station wagon. First thing I thought of while reading the start of the dream here. The other thing it reminded me of, oddly enough, was from way back in like 1987, when the movie La Bamba came out. There was some sort of show on MTV about the movie and interviewing some of the real life folks depicted in the movie, and for some reason there was footage of Bob Dylan riding around in an old convertible with the actress who played Richie's mother. (Actress was Rosana DeSoto, or something like that. I loved her in that movie.)

Anyway, I sure do treasure the memories of that camping trip from 1998. Well, except for those disastrous black beans that never did soak or cook right. Shoulda just gone with canned. I still stand by my yummy pancakes, however.

And I'm still a vegetarian this week.

Anonymous said...

I believe that you were in the earlier incarnation of this blog, before I pulled the plug on it, but this is your first appearance in the 100 or so postings on the "new" version.

And yes, those pancakes were the bomb!