Saturday, November 3, 2007

Upside-Down World

Friday night

A smart young woman was visiting her psychiatrist. One of her close relatives was a famous person who was involved in an embarrassing scandal, and was currently all over the news. She was finding, to her dismay, that many people wanted to befriend her solely due to his notoriety.


I can't even bring up my e-mail anymore without being bombarded by the latest stupid celebrity scandal. I'm pretty fed up with "Comcast news," a feature I never requested or needed. Anyway, this dream is no doubt influenced by this idiot "Dog the Bounty Hunter," who, until recently, had his own TV show. Not long ago he called his son, ranting about the son's girlfriend, who is black, using the "N word" several times. Of course, the son promptly sold the tape to the National Enquirer, they put the tape on their website, and suddenly, Dog is in the doghouse with his network. "Stupid is as stupid does," as Forrest Gump said.

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