Wednesday, January 9, 2008

F Bombs / Surprise

Sunday night

Dream 1: F Bombs

I was visiting a shop where a craftsman specialized in using "the old ways" to manufacture items from many years ago; even centuries past. When I got there he had perfected a process of forming round, flat, heavy rocks, gray in color and about the diameter of dinner plates, which could be flung on a catapult-like contraption. Each was emblazoned with a capital letter F.

Dream 2: Surprise

I was back at Mom and Dad's house on Dinwiddie Street, but there was a difference in the backyard. Instead of having a side patio, they now had a large square one just behind the family room / playroom addition. Three empty shopping carts were lined up on the bricks, and each was topped with a large stack of freshly-cut firewood. (The wood was not in the carts, but was balanced on top of them.) I happened to look out the back window, and saw two large, dark birds perched on the cords. I hurried out the front door and around the 34th Street side of the house in order to get a better look. As soon as I got to the back of the house I was in for a shock: a large black bear was staring me in the face. I kept my gaze on him, but slowly backed away, retracing my steps.


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