Thursday, February 14, 2008


Wednesday night

I was down in Georgia visiting with former president Jimmy Carter, his wife Rosalynn, and their grown daughter, Amy. They lived in a large stone house from the turn of the last century. It was whitewashed, but the paint was peeling in a few places. Their dog, a friendly Irish Setter, ran to and fro in the street, which was quiet and deserted, at least for the moment. Later, we went for a walk in some nearby woods, and a member of our party called out, "What is that?!" I turned to see an ordinary metal bucket, turned upside down, scurrying across the forest floor. I walked over, picked it up, and found two adorable black, furry mammals inside, staring up at me. They were nondescript, so I wasn't sure what they were -- puppies? bears? hedgehogs? -- but they sure were cute. I said, "There you go, guys," thinking that I was doing them a favor. As soon as I said so, the critter who was slightly larger than the other crawled back under the bucket, and continued in the direction that he was originally headed.


The Carters do live in Plains, Ga, but I've never seen a photo of their house, and don't know if they have a dog. Our old neighbors on 34th Street, the Depaus, (Depaws?) did own an Irish Setter. Beautiful dog. I haven't seen them (or their dog) in at least 30 years.

I never met President Carter, but my family did go to a Carter rally in Old Town, Alexandria in the fall of 1976, shortly before Carter beat President Ford. I was 14 at the time. I asked my dad if we could go, and he said yes. I recall that Admiral Elmo Zumwalt made a speech that day. He had crazy eyebrows. My brother Andrew and I snuck under the rope line to get around the crowd, and then stepped back behind the rope once we were directly in front of the podium. I doubt that we could get away with such shenanigans today. Much later I sent a photo that I took that day down to Plains, and former president Carter autographed it for me and sent it back. I think I still have it in a photo album somewhere in the storage unit.

I wonder what that bucket thing was about?

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