Sunday, January 27, 2008

New Digs

Friday night

My wife and I decided to move back to Arlington, and found a nice big house back in the Country Club Hills section, a few blocks behind Washington Golf and Country Club. The new place was made of brick, but was several stories tall, and had a lot of wooden paneling inside.

Shortly after getting back to town, I found myself playing another board game, this time with Tom S.


I must have board games on the brain this week. I knew one or two people who lived back in Country Club Hills when I was in elementary school. Even then, their parents would have had to be making the big bucks. Tom S. was, and presumably still is, a long-haired joker. He played baseball for Arlington Optimists for awhile, so he was my brother Andrew's teammate on at least one occasion. I vividly remember Tom and another long-haired fellow, Peter H., sitting behind me in my 4th grade class, calling out in a stage whisper, "Hey! (My name) -- What's a vagina?" Charming. I hadn't seen Tom for years when he showed up in Ocean City, MD during beach week following my high school graduation in 1980. I haven't seen him since. I wonder if he's a derelict, or a short-haired banker?

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