Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Bathroom Humor / Found

Tuesday night

Dream 1: Bathroom Humor

Mike Myers was being interviewed on Ellen Degeneres' talk show. A second guest happened to be an old personal friend of Myers', and chose that moment to tell some wildly inappropriate stories about him, as Degeneres and Myers looked on in horror. At one point he related an anecdote about an occasion when Myers visited (the friend's) family, and spent a very long time in the bathroom. He said, "Now, when we go to the bathroom, we say, 'I'm going to take a Mike!'"

Dream 2: Found

I was back at my parents' house in Arlington, and had heard that our friend, Brent, was missing. Instinctively, I knew where to find him. I walked into the kitchen and opened a cabinet door next to the floor. Brent was curled up inside, hiding, apparently ashamed about something he had done. I encouraged him to step out into the open.

Dream 1

I was in the audience for Mike Myers' appearance on "Late Night with David Letterman," March 25, 1997, in NYC. Myers showed a rather racy clip from the first "Austin Powers" movie, and I remember being a little embarrassed, knowing that my parents were watching.

Dream 2

I met Brent in junior high school, back in the mid-'70s. He has been estranged from some of his old friends for several years now, a situation that I regret deeply. All of my efforts to intervene have come to naught.

I must have crawled into the cabinet space under the kitchen sink a time or two when I was a kid. We used to keep a box of crayons under there, amongst other things. The cabinet that Brent inhabited in this dream wasn't directly under the sink, but next to it, under the kitchen counter, behind a brown wooden door. He was practically wrapped up in a ball when I found him.

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