Friday, December 28, 2007

Look: Up in the Sky!

Wednesday night (12/26/07)

Gene P. and I were standing in the the middle of a city at night, surrounded by skyscrapers. We were looking up at the sky, marveling at a huge flying disc, covered with lights, which was hovering not far above the buildings. I said, "If I didn't know any better, I'd swear that was a space ship!" Both of us knew that it wasn't -- it was a communications satellite. Gene pointed to it and smiled and said, "There's 3 million people on that thing!"


Gene is now the director of the Nashville branch of the foundation where I used to work. He was always nice to me.

I suppose that any hovering, flying disc carrying 3 million people could rightfully be called a space ship...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I tuned in to read, halfway thinking that up in the sky we'd find Jesus.