Monday, December 31, 2007


Sunday night (12/30/07)

It was Weight Watchers Weekend at a retreat center, and this year they had a Bee Gees theme. Andy Gibb could be seen bicycling around the compound, smiling at everyone, and Barry Gibb was inside the pavilion, having a drink and talking with one of the members of the program. The guy said, "I'm having trouble losing the first 10 pounds." Barry replied, "Well, those are always the hardest." Later on I was lying in a cot in a large open room, which was a sleeping area for the guests. Two teenage girls were lying near me on the floor, and were vying for my attention. Although it was dark, I could see what they were doing; both opened their sleeping bags / pulled away their covers to reveal that they were naked. (Neither one needed Weight Watchers, either.) I climbed down and pulled the covers back over each of them, and said, "Hey -- my mom can see what you're doing!" (She was in another cot near mine, and was wearing a red checked bathrobe.) The girl to the right was most unhappy that someone else was prying into her business, and exclaimed, "She's a JERK!" Later on I got a call from my wife, who wanted to know how it was going at the center, and where our child was. I paused, and said that I'd left the kid with a babysitter -- one of the teenagers...


My mom in this dream wasn't my real mom, and my wife wasn't my real wife, and we don't have a child. This is almost a cliche -- the older man tempted by the young babysitter. In the real world, my real temptation, as we start this new year, is not young women, but food which will continue to elevate my bad cholesterol. Let's hope that I can get that number headed in the opposite direction.

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