Thursday, May 8, 2008

Let's Call the Whole Thing Off

Tuesday night

My family was gathered in the living room at 3374, and everyone was dressed up like it was Easter Sunday. This was an even grander occasion: I was about to marry my big brother, Jimmie. (And I don't mean that I would be performing the ceremony -- I mean that he and I would be the grooms.) Everyone was in a good mood, glad that I was finally settling down. I wasn't nearly as happy as they were; I was extremely nervous, and sweat was pouring down my face. At one point I apologized to the assembled crowd, and said that I had to remove my sportcoat. Finally, I decided that I just couldn't go through with it, and backed out. Everyone was pretty upset; I had called off an earlier wedding with someone else, and here I'd done it again, hurting my brother's feelings in the process. I pulled my brother Andrew aside and tried to explain myself. "I didn't mean to hurt him, but this is a serious decision. All of our money would be put together! Would we agree on anything?!" I took a walk down 34th Street and took a right on Dickerson. As I crested the hill I said to myself, "I really should marry [my wife now]."


Wonder who would have led when we danced at the reception?


Anonymous said...

I'm just P.O.ed I don't get to hear you recite "Bushel and a Peck" again!

Anonymous said...

Um, kinda worried about you, bro, but OK.

I guess we can say one thing for certain... You tell whatever it is, like it really is. :)