Sunday, May 18, 2008


Saturday night

My friend Gordy was working at a movie theater, and I went by to say hello and have a chat. His boss, a plump black woman who was a little older than we were -- we appeared to be in our early 20s, if that -- wasn't happy that I was distracting him. I clammed up until she walked away. Gordy tried to talk me into walking into the theater with him to watch the new Indiana Jones movie. I really wanted to see it, but when I sat down next to him, I glanced at my watch. It was 7:15, and Mom and Dad would be expecting me for dinner back at home.


I don't think Gordy ever worked at a theater, but he should own stock in a theater chain, for all of the money that he's paid them over the years.

A new Indiana Jones movie comes out next week. I'll see it, although I've heard rumblings of so-so reviews in the blogosphere.

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