Thursday, May 22, 2008

Man with a Plan / R.I.P.

Wednesday night

Dream 1: Man with a Plan

Julia Roberts came to see Harrison Ford to get him to draw up plans for a large house being constructed for Roberts and her boyfriend. Feeling nostalgic, she brought with her a portrait of herself with Ford, painted many years ago, when the two of them starred in a movie. Soon it became apparent that she'd had feelings for Ford ever since. Ford came up with a plan -- he'd design a house that was so sleek and modern that there would be no way the boyfriend would like it; he'd leave Roberts and then Julia and Harrison could be together.

Dream 2: R.I.P.

I found out that one of my oldest friends, Denis G., had died. Shortly thereafter, I visited another friend, Preston, at his house, and hung out for awhile, watching TV, listening to music, the usual stuff. I'd brought a gift with me for Denis'es family, but when I took off, I left it at Preston's. I headed over to Mom and Dad's neighborhood, with the intention of calling on Denis'es parents, at their home. (Denis grew up on 34th Street, but in this dream, their house was at the corner of Dinwiddie and Dickerson, on the point.) Anyway, I went to the bereaved family's home, to see what I could do. I had parked my car and walked down the steep hill into their backyard when I saw a delivery truck pull up on Dinwiddie. Word had gotten out about the tragedy, so a man was dropping off flowers, fruit baskets and cards from other friends, including Brent and Stacy L. I took charge of these items and was about to walk up the back steps to the house when I realized that I wasn't wearing a shirt, so I figured that it might not be appropriate. I turned to my coworker, Jason, who also happened to be on the scene, and asked him to carry the deliveries inside; then I proceeded to call Preston, and asked him to bring me the gift I'd left at his place.


We'll be seeing the new Indiana Jones movie this weekend. Last night I was reading about the U.S. premiere, held at Magic Johnson's theater complex in Harlem, New York. I don't believe that Harrison Ford and Julia Roberts have ever appeared in the same film. Ford is a carpenter; that's how he supported himself between "American Graffiti" and "Star Wars."

Denis'es family's house in this dream actually belonged to a girl who lived in my neighborhood, Cathy C., and her family. I think she was a contemporary of my big brother, Jimmie. She may have babysat for me once or twice. I have fond memories of that hill in their backyard. We spent many happy hours sledding there.

I think I met Denis when I was about 3. He and his family moved out of our neighborhood when he was a teenager, but they remained in Arlington. As far as I know, Denis, his wife and kids still live in Arlington, and all are alive and well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If I'm not mistaken, Cathy C.'s mom passed away not too long ago (a few weeks, I believe).