Monday, October 1, 2007

Fun with Shapes / Great New Job

Sunday night

Dream 1: Fun with Shapes

I was trying to fill out a voter registration form, but was chagrined to find no instructions or printing of any kind -- only boxes of various shapes and sizes.

Dream 2: Great New Job

I was working for a company that was going through some upheavals; the powers that be had called a meeting of all employees to unveil their new organizational chart. I sat in the balcony with some of my coworkers, waiting to hear the results. When the CEO got to my name (pointing to the lower left of the board) he announced that I would now be part of the cleaning crew. I stood up and yelled, "What?!" and was ready to run downstairs and challenge him, but was dissuaded by my fellow workers. They felt that I should be glad to have that position, given the circumstances.

Later, I was leading a team meeting of my own, as the new manager of a fast food restaurant. I said, "This will be great if we all pull together as a team!"


Dream 1: Fun with Shapes

I am registered to vote, and recently took part in the mayoral election here. I asked several coworkers about it, but found that the great majority had not voted, and few seemed to care.

Sometimes I need to create special agreements in the course of my work, overwriting and changing forms which were created by my predecessor in Word. I'm fine with overwriting the words, of course, but the forms also include many boxes, which give me fits. Those boxes showed up in this dream.

Dream 2: Great New Job

I'm worried about my future (again).

There's a lot of turnover in this office, and the jobs here are very stressful and chaotic. There are problems in the industry as a whole, and some days I feel as though I'm standing on the deck of the Titanic. Time to update the resume.


September Dream Roundup

The following people showed up in my dreams in September 2007.

Family and Friends:

My wife
Andrew C.
David C.
Eddie M.
Kels K.
Mark F.
Polly D.
Preston W.
Steve W.
Susan F.
Susan W.
Wingard C.

Coworkers and Acquaintances:

Ashley S.
Christy S.
Isaiah M.
Jennie S.
Kahata M.
Ken P.
Michelle L.
Suzanne B.


Alison Krauss
The Beatles (One of their song titles showed up on the Elvis record in "Aunt Bee, Appraiser")
Cerphe Colwell
Elvis Presley (I was carrying one of his records in "Aunt Bee, Appraiser")
Francis Bavier (as "Aunt Bee")
Frank Sinatra (Steve W. sings his songs in "Just Joking")
Matt Damon (as Jason Bourne)
Matt Servitto (He's an actor from "The Sopranos," but plays a different character in "School?")
Peter Vaughan (British actor who plays a friend's grandpa in "The Grump")
Sheryl Crow (Andrew C. discusses magazine photos of her in "Admirer")
Ulysses S. Grant (I asked the director of my department about him in "Pop Quiz")

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