Saturday, October 13, 2007


Friday night

My brother Andrew and I were on a trip somewhere, and stopped at a small lodge or hotel for the night. The place didn't have many beds, and we soon found out that they were overbooked; another guest, unknown to us, ended up sharing the bed with us. (I was in the middle, Andrew was to my right, and the new person was on my left. We were all fully clothed.)

The stranger was a speech therapist. She fell asleep pretty quickly and began snoring, so I couldn't do anything but lie there, staring at the ceiling. Annoyed as I was, I remember thinking that a snoring speech therapist was a pretty funny concept.


As I awoke from this dream, my wife was snoring. I'd been listening to her while I was dreaming.

This dream reminds me of situation comedies that I saw when I was a kid; for instance, when Lucy, Ricky, Fred and Ethel traveled to Bent Fork, Tennessee to visit "Cousin Ernie." I think the two couples ended up sharing a bed in that episode.

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