Monday, October 29, 2007

Science! / Cot / The Report Card Again

Saturday night

Dream 1: Science!

My childhood friend Denis Gemond had moved to Philadelphia, where he was working as a scientist. I went up there to visit him, and he showed me around the lab. It was a huge open space, filled with desks and scientific apparatuses, and I remember thinking that it would be easy to get lost in there.

Dream 2: Cot

I was back at the group house that I shared with a revolving cast of roommates on Hyson Lane in Falls Church, Virginia. Apparently I didn't have a bed in which to sleep; all I had was a ratty old cot, and no nice sheets to fix it up. On top of that, my roommates and I weren't getting along very well.

Dream 3: The Report Card Again

I'd gone back to college, and meant to make a fresh start and do really well this time. Unfortunately, I'd fallen back into my old bad habits, and skipped most of my history classes during the current semester, so I was expecting to get an Incomplete on my report card. I dreaded showing a bad report card to my dad, so I wondered what I could do to pass the final exam. I rummaged through my papers and found notes that I'd scribbled about the movie "Casablanca." Maybe they would help me salvage my grade.


Dream 1: Science!

I've known Denis since we were about 3 years old, but have only seen him twice in the past six and a half years, mainly due to the fact that my wife and I moved from Virginia to Nashville six years ago. Denis isn't a scientist, but he did attend a private high school or college or something in Pennsylvania. I do know some scientists who toil among the beakers at Vanderbilt University.

By the way, if the followers of Cincinnatus were the Cincinnati, why is the plural of apparatus not apparati? Crazy language.

Dream 2: Cot

I did have an old cot at the townhouse on Hyson Lane, but didn't sleep on it very often. It was in the basement room, outside of my bedroom, which did, in fact, contain a bed.

Dream 3: The Report Card Again

I used to have the nightmare about the bad report card frequently in the 1980s and 1990s, but it stopped when I went back to American University and took a class on American History from the end of World War II through the Cold War. (I received one of two As in the class.) I thought that I'd killed that nightmare then, but this is the second time it's cropped up in the past two years. Maybe it's brought on by stress or uncertainty. I don't know. It's a drag.

1 comment:

4mastjack said...

I still have the late for school dream, about as much as having the late for work dream probably. And I'm never late for work since getting married, since we leave together in the mornings.

I also still have a lot the first day of school and don't know my schedule or locker combination dream.

I had my share of bad report cards and grades in reality, but never dream about it. Wonder why that is?