Monday, July 30, 2007

Old School

Sunday night

I was working in some company's systems department, and had been called to fix a problem with an employee's computer. When I got to his desk, I found that the computer had about 20 crinkled black plastic tubes coming out of it, meandering and connecting in every direction. I had no earthly idea how to proceed.


The idea of yours truly working in a systems department is laughable; it's all I can do to change a computer password. I think that this dream means that I wish that we could revert to a time when things were less technological, and thus, less complicated -- maybe back to a time when electronic gadgets consisted of vacuum tubes (not that I could figure those out, either). In any case, it seems worth noting that in this dream the computer had vacuum cleaner tubes. I guess I'm making up visual puns as I sleep.

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