Monday, July 23, 2007

Pizza and Beer

Sunday night

I was late for a class, but I was running around the house, collecting my lazy roommate's many beer bottles and throwing them into recycling bins. He stood by watching, not able to comprehend how important it was to me that he should be doing this. He kept saying saying, "What?" (In other words, "What's the big deal?")

When I got to class, my teacher was facing the blackboard. I walked in through the door behind her. She turned around to face me, and I could tell that she was resigned to hearing my latest excuse for being late. Suddenly her countenance changed as she fixed her gaze upon the pizza box that I held under my arm. (I hadn't intended to bring it with me; I'd picked it up when I was cleaning and forgot to throw it out.) Gauging her intense interest, I handed the box to her.

This wasn't an ordinary pizza box -- it featured full-color graphics on a black background -- and it didn't include an ordinary run-of-the-mill pizza. Studying the box, the teacher said, "Oh, this is VERY good." She lifted the lid and took out the leftovers; the slices didn't seem to have any toppings. She took a big bite and then looked out at the class and said, "I had forgotten what it's like to be single."


My wife would probably be amused at the idea of me scurrying around and cleaning up the house, but I do believe wholeheartedly in recycling, and I took a bunch of stuff to the recycling center this past weekend.

The roommate in this dream reminds me of a wierd dude who was one of many revolving roommates in a group house that I shared back in Virginia in the 1990s. We forgot to have the guy sign a lease, so he felt that he had every right to move out in the middle of the month, stiffing us on part of the rent. Nice.

I'm known to be time-challenged; my wife has probably heard all of my exuses already.

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